.・* Welcome *・.

This site is a virtual community garden— a place to share seeds and resources, and form new connections with plants and each other.

How does it work?

Add your seeds to the list below by visiting the form and submitting whatever seeds you'd like to share. Each submission will automatically be added to the list.

When you contact someone for seeds, you can ask if they want anything in exchange (if you don't have any seeds to trade, you can always offer something else like art, zines, a poem, money for shipping, etc.) In the spirit of mutual aid, some people will be happy to send free seeds if they can afford the cost of shipping, which ranges from $0.55 to 5 dollars.

If you want to request/trade multiple seeds with one person feel free to check out the Contact Sheet, where you can sort by email address among other things.

If you have feedback, ideas, or want to share a seed saving resource to be listed on the website, please contact me. ☺

Seeds Available: